For more than 40 years of existence, on our Leuze site, factory shutdown (also called shut down) has punctuated work at Lutosa during the summer period. This period coincides with the well-deserved annual holidays for a large part of the staff, but also with the transition to the new potato harvest. This shut down, lasting 1 or 2 weeks, is therefore THE time of the year for our Leuze maintenance teams, who are taking advantage of the complete shutdown of production to intervene on the 4 production lines of frozen fries and 7 lines of frozen specialties. On the program: preventive and curative maintenance, upkeep and cleaning of the machine park. For optimum production quality all year round.
Maintenance Department
All these installations require a service essential to the proper functioning of the plant. The maintenance department, headed by Carmelo Dresti, is responsible for the maintenance and technical support of the Leuze site. This includes services and technical support associated with energy, buildings and production workshops. To carry out all these missions, we have at Lutosa specialized technicians with multiple profiles whose richness is expressed on a daily basis through their many skills. The maintenance department also has a spare parts store, which is in charge of receiving parts packages as well as inventories and managing the entry and exit of parts from the store on the Lutosa site.
Training at the heart of maintenance
Electricians and technicians at Lutosa benefit from high-paced training plans. We are lucky at Lutosa to have employees who are trainers at heart and who themselves give training on their specialties to their colleagues, mainly on mechanical or electrical topics,” explains Carmelo. Lutosa is constantly looking for profiles in order to come and swell its teams.
What is “shut down”?
One of the most important periods of the year for the Lutosa Maintenance teams is the summer shutdown. “And this year, there was an additional challenge, because we only had 4 days of overall shutdown of the site, instead of the usual 9. A complete shutdown of 4 days allows you to concentrate on one or even two lines. This is called targeted maintenance. confides to us, Carmelo Dresti. The Lutosa maintenance department has 4 days to organize all the maintenance that cannot be carried out while the plant is running throughout the year.
This shutdown allows various approved bodies to inspect the installations. “We have pressurized installations which require an annual visit by an approved body. To carry out this control, the entire production line must be stopped because you have to “enter” it. . explains Carmelo.